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Introduction to Metaprogramming in Nim

Introduction to the Introduction (Meta-Introduction)

Wikipedia gives us a nice description of metaprogramming:

Metaprogramming is the writing of computer programs with the ability to treat programs as their data. It means that a program could be designed to read, generate, analyse and/or transform other programs, and even modify itself while running.

In this article we will explore Nim’s metaprogramming capabilities, which are quite powerful and yet still easy to use. After all great metaprogramming is one of Nim’s main features. The general rule is to use the least powerful construct that is still powerful enough to solve a problem, in this order:

  1. Normal procs and inline iterators
  2. Generic procs and closure iterators
  3. Templates
  4. Macros

So before looking at Nim’s two main metaprogramming constructs, templates and macros, we’ll look at what we can do with procs and iterators as well.

Regular Programming Constructs

Normal procs

We’re in normal programming land here. Regular procedures are what you know as functions elsewhere and they’re pretty easy to define and use:

proc sayHi(name: string) =
  echo "Hello ", name

sayHi "World"

Generic procs

With generics we can define procs that work on multiple types. Actually a new proc will be generated based on our generic definition for each instantiation:

proc min[T](x, y: T): T =
  if x < y: x else: y

echo min(2, 3) # more explicitly: min[int](2, 3)
echo min("foo", "bar") # min[string]("foo", "bar")

Inline iterators

Inline iterators are the default iterators in Nim. They get compiled into high performance loops:

iterator reverseItems(x: string): char =
  for i in countdown(x.high, x.low):
    yield x[i]

for c in "foo".reverseItems:
  echo c

So this code gets compiled into:

let x = "foo"
for c in countdown(x.high, x.low):
  let c = x[i]
  echo c

Of course we can make iterators generic too:

iterator reverseItems[T](x: T): auto =
  for i in countdown(x.high, x.low):
    yield x[i]

Closure iterators

Inline iterators simultaneously have the advantage and disadvantage of being translated into loops. This means you can not pass them around. This limitation can be lifted by using closure iterators instead:

import math

proc powers(m: int): auto =
  #return iterator: int {.closure.} = # Make a closure explicitly
  return iterator: int = # Compiler makes this a closure for us
    for n in 0..int.high:
      yield n^m

  squares = powers(2)
  cubes = powers(3)

for i in 1..4:
  echo "Square: ", squares() # 0, 1, 4, 9
for i in 1..4:
  echo "Cube: ", cubes()     # 0, 1, 8, 27
echo "Square: ", squares()   # 16
echo "Cube: ", cubes()       # 64

for x in squares(): # Go through all the remaining squares
  echo "Square: ", x         # 25, 36, 49, 64, ...

As you can see closure iterators keep their state. You can call them again and get the next value, or use them inside of a for-loop to get out many values.


You can think of templates as Nim’s equivalent to the C preprocessor. But templates are written in Nim itself and fit well into the rest of the language.

Templates simply insert their code at the invocation site, working at the level of the abstract syntax tree. They can be used in just the same way as procs.


A common example are loggers, which we looked at in another article already. Consider that you want to have extensive debug logging in your program. A trivial implementation would look like this:

import strutils, times, os

type Level* {.pure.} = enum
  debug, info, warn, error, fatal

var logLevel* = Level.debug

proc debug*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  if logLevel <= Level.debug:
    echo "[$# $#]: $#" % [getDateStr(), getClockStr(),
      join args]

proc expensiveDebuggingInfo*: string =
  sleep(milsecs = 1000)
  result = "Everything looking good!"

debug expensiveDebuggingInfo()
[2016-06-05 22:00:50]: Everything looking good!

We have to call expensiveDebuggingInfo to get the debugging info, which is fine right now since our logLevel is set to Level.debug. But it stops being fine when we instead set logLevel to anything higher than debug. Then it still takes a full second to evaluate the expensiveDebuggingInfo parameter for debug, but inside of debug nothing is done with that information. This is of course a consequence of call-by-value argument evaluation, which Nim uses, just as most other languages do. A notable exception would be lazy evaluation in Haskell, where this kind of logger would work perfectly fine, only calling expensiveDebuggingInfo when its value is actually needed.

But let’s stay in Nim-land and use a template instead of a proc to magically fix this:

template debug*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  if logLevel <= Level.debug:
    const module = instantiationInfo().filename[0 .. ^5]
    echo "[$# $#][$#]: $#" % [getDateStr(), getClockStr(),
      module, join args]
[2016-06-05 22:01:30][logger]: Everything looking good!

Note that we also conveniently use instantiationInfo() to find out at what location in the program our template was instantiated, something we could not do using a procedure.

We can still call the template in the exact same way as the proc. But now we have the advantage that the template is inlined at compiletime, so expensiveDebuggingInfo is only called if the runtime logLevel actually requires it. Perfect.

Safe locking

Another problem that can be solved with a template is automatically acquiring and releasing a system lock:

import locks

template withLock(lock: Lock, body: untyped) =
  acquire lock
    release lock

Compile with --threads:on for platform independent lock support.

This looks pretty simple, we just acquire the lock, execute the passed statements and finally release the lock, even if exceptions have been thrown. We can pass any set of statements as the body. The usage is as easy as using a built-in if statement:

var lock: Lock
initLock lock

withLock lock:
  echo "Do something that requires locking"
  echo "This might throw an exception"

When our template accepts a value of type stmt we can use the colon to pass an entire indented block of code. When we have multiple parameters of type stmt the do notation can be used.

This gets transformed into:

var lock: Lock
initLock lock

acquire lock
  echo "Do something that requires locking"
  echo "This might throw an exception"
  release lock

Now we will never forget to call release lock. You could use this to make a higher level locking library that only exposes withLock instead of the lower-level acquire and release primitives.


Just like templates, macros are executed at compiletime. But with templates you can only do constant substitutions in the AST. With macros you can analyze the passed arguments and create a new AST at the current position in any way you want. A nice property of Nim is that these compiletime macros are also written in the regular Nim language, so there is no need to learn another language.

A simple way to create an AST is to use parseStmt and parseExpr to parse the regular textual representation into a NimNode. For example parseStmt("result = 10") returns this AST:

    Ident !"result"
    IntLit 10

A very useful way to find the AST of a piece of code is dumpTree:

import macros

  result = 10

This is the same output as you get with treeRepr:

import macros

  echo treeRepr(parseStmt("result = 10"))

Alternatively you can use lispRepr to get a lisp-like representation:

StmtList(Asgn(Ident(!"result"), IntLit(10)))

Finally there is also the repr proc, which turns a NimNode AST back into its textual representation.

Many beginners start by piecing strings together and finally calling parseStmt on them. While this works it is inefficient and prone to bugs. Instead you can use the macros module to create NimNodes of all kinds yourself. dumpTree gives you a hint if you’re not sure how a specific piece of code will look in its AST representation.

JSON Parsing

JSON is pretty popular, so let’s improve the support for it in Nim. What we want is to have a magical %* so that we can write JSON directly in Nim source code and have it checked at compile time, like this:

var j1 = %*
      "name": "John",
      "age": 30
      "name": "Susan",
      "age": 31

So far if you want to use JSON in Nim, you have to use the JSON constructor % a lot:

import json

var j2 =
      "name": %"John",
      "age": %30
      "name": %"Susan",
      "age": %31

Looks annoying. How can we implement %*? As a macro of course!:

macro `%*`*(x: expr): expr = toJson(x)

Ok, that doesn’t do anything interesting yet. We just call the still unspecified compile time proc toJson and return the result. We want toJson to traverse the passed AST x and create a new AST, which inserts a % call at just the right places, exactly as it would happen if we added the % calls manually.

For this purpose we print the AST of j2 by putting it into dumpTree from the macros module:

import json, macros

      "name": %"John",
      "age": %30
      "name": %"Susan",
      "age": %31

We get the following AST printed when compiling this program:

  Ident !"%"
      Ident !"%"
          StrLit name
            Ident !"%"
            StrLit John
          StrLit age
            Ident !"%"
            IntLit 30
      Ident !"%"
          StrLit name
            Ident !"%"
            StrLit Susan
          StrLit age
            Ident !"%"
            IntLit 31

This turned out quite big, but from here we can see how the AST we want to construct looks like. We do the same for j1 to see what we’re working with:

        StrLit name
        StrLit John
        StrLit age
        IntLit 30
        StrLit name
        StrLit Susan
        StrLit age
        IntLit 31

The idea now is to insert a % at each level, except in front of the "name" and "age" in our case, the first elements in colon expressions.

proc toJson(x: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compiletime.} =
  case x.kind
  of nnkBracket: # Corresponds to Bracket in dumpTree
    result = newNimNode(nnkBracket)
    for i in 0 .. <x.len:
      result.add(toJson(x[i])) # Recurse to add %

  of nnkTableConstr: # nnk stands for Nim node kind
    result = newNimNode(nnkTableConstr)
    for i in 0 .. <x.len:
      assert x[i].kind == nnkExprColonExpr
        .add(x[i][0])           # First element: no %
        .add(toJson(x[i][1]))): # Second element: Recurse to add %

    result = x # End of recursion

  result = result.prefix("%") # Surround this level with %

And that’s it! Now our %* works just as we want it to. If we did anything wrong, we can modify the macro to check the actual code it produces:

macro `%*`*(x: expr): expr =
  result = toJson(x)
  echo result.repr # Print code representation of AST

This prints:

% [% {"name": % "John", "age": % 30}, % {"name": % "Susan", "age": % 31}]

Perfect! This macro we just developed landed in Nim’s json module already.

Enum Parsing optimization

With enums we can create new types that contain ordered values, just like this:

  type Fruit = enum Apple, Banana, Cherry

Strings can be parsed to an enum using parseEnum from strutils:

  let fruit = parseEnum[Fruit]("cherry")

If we do this a lot, we notice that it’s kind of slow though:

for i in 1 .. 10_000_000:
  var select = parseEnum[Fruit]("cherry")
  doAssert select == Cherry

This takes 2.2 seconds on my machine. Let’s look at the definition of parseEnum to find out why:

proc parseEnum*[T: enum](s: string): T =
  ## Parses an enum ``T``.
  ## Raises ``ValueError`` for an invalid value in `s`. The
  ## comparison is done in a style insensitive way.
  for e in low(T)..high(T):
    if cmpIgnoreStyle(s, $e) == 0:
      return e
  raise newException(ValueError, "invalid enum value: " & s)

We can see the problem already. We iterate through all the values inside the enum type, from low(T) to high(T). Then $e creates a string of each enum value, which is quite expensive. Since we already know the type of the enum at compile time, we could create the strings at compile time as well.

Again, let’s think about what we want the result to look like before writing the macro. Basically what we want to do is unroll the for loop at compile time:

if cmpIgnoreStyle(s, "Apple") == 0: return Apple
if cmpIgnoreStyle(s, "Banana") == 0: return Banana
if cmpIgnoreStyle(s, "Cherry") == 0: return Cherry
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid enum value: " & s)

Now we can create the proc. Other than in the last example we won’t create the AST manually this time. Instead we use parseStmt to create a statement AST from a string containing Nim code. An equivalent parseExpr for expressions exists as well. Here’s how the final proc with a macro inside looks:

proc parseEnum*[T: enum](s: string): T =
  macro m: untyped =
    result = newStmtList()
    for e in T: result.add parseStmt(
      "if cmpIgnoreStyle(s, \"$1\") == 0: return $1".format(e))

    result.add parseStmt(
      "raise newException(ValueError, \"invalid enum value: \"&s)")

    #echo result.repr # To make sure we get what we want

  m() # Actually invoke the macro to insert the statements here

Running the same code with our new implementation of parseEnum takes 0.5 seconds now, about 4 times faster than before. Great!


We can use Nim’s templates and macros to create domain specific languages (DSL) that are translated into Nim code at compiletime. Nim’s syntax is quite flexible, so this is a powerful tool. As an example we build a simple HTML DSL.

The goal is to be able to write this:

proc page(title, content: string) {.htmlTemplate.} =
      title: title
      h1: title
      p: "Default Content"
      p: content

echo page("My own website", "My extra content")

And thus print the following HTML:

      My own website
      My own website
      Default Content
      My extra content

For convenience we want to use the htmlTemplate macro as a pragma, annotated as {.htmlTemplate.}. Instead we could also write it in this way:

  proc page(title, content: string) =
        title: title
        h1: title
        p: "Default Content"
        p: content

The htmlTemplate macro shall transform the page proc, adding a string return type and creating a new body out of the DSL definition, into this:

proc page(title, content: string): string =
  result = ""
  result.add "<html>\n"
  result.add "</html>\n"

Looks simple enough, here’s how the macro works:

macro htmlTemplate(procDef: expr): untyped =
  procDef.expectKind nnkProcDef

  # Same name as specified
  let name = procDef[0]

  # Return type: string
  var params = @[newIdentNode("string")]
  # Same parameters as specified
  for i in 1..<procDef[3].len:
    params.add procDef[3][i]

  var body = newStmtList()
  # result = ""
  body.add newAssignment(newIdentNode("result"),
  # Recurse over DSL definition
  body.add htmlInner(procDef[6])

  # Return a new proc
  result = newStmtList(newProc(name, params, body))

The real magic of recursively handling the HTML tags happens in htmlInner of course, a compiletime proc that calls itself recursively to iterate over the body definition:

template write(arg: expr) =
  result.add newCall("add", newIdentNode("result"), arg)

template writeLit(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
  write newStrLitNode(args.join)

proc htmlInner(x: NimNode, indent = 0): NimNode
              {.compiletime.} =
  x.expectKind nnkStmtList
  result = newStmtList()
  let spaces = repeat(' ', indent)
  for y in x:
    case y.kind
    of nnkCall:
      y.expectLen 2
      let tag = y[0]
      tag.expectKind nnkIdent
      writeLit spaces, "<", tag, ">\n"
      # Recurse over child
      result.add htmlInner(y[1], indent + 2)
      writeLit spaces, "</", tag, ">\n"
      writeLit spaces
      write y
      writeLit "\n"

We can check that we get the expected output by adding a simple echo result.repr at the end of htmlTemplate:

proc page(title, content: string): string =
  result = ""
  add(result, "<html>\x0A")
  add(result, "  <head>\x0A")
  add(result, "</html>\x0A")

Where \x0A is just the newline character. Looks good and the output works!

emerald is a much more complete HTML DSL that works in a similar manner. A simpler HTML generator is included in the standard library in the htmlgen module.


I hope you enjoyed this trip through Nim’s metaprogramming capabilities. Always remember: With great power comes great responsibility, so use the least powerful construct that does the job. This reduces complexity and makes it easier to understand the code and keep it maintainable.

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